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millitary barracks.jpg
The Victoria Barracks were military compounds in the Admiralty district of Central on Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong. The barracks were constructed between the 1840s and 1874 and situated within the area bounded by Cotton Tree Drive, Kennedy Road and…

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The postcard above shows the Sailors and Soldiers Home at the corner of Arsenal Street and Praya East that opened on 7 May 1901. The Seamen's Institute for merchant seamen that opened on 1 May 1905 was located in leased buildings at 72 and 73 Praya…

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開埠之初,到中國香港的傳教士認定這是個傳教大好機會,當時,倫敦教會在1842年2月通過決議,並致電給當時香港的英國代表 Henry Pottinger (後來1843年成為第一
任港督),向他要一塊土地用作建造教堂和學校。結果,教會在當時的摩利臣山興建了馬禮遜英華學校 Morrison Anglo-Chinese School ,就是最早的西式學校,也就是香港第一間英國人的教會學校。該校於1842年11月在今灣仔摩利臣山山頂建成。(Morrison…

HMS Tamar, gave her name to the establishment at Admiralty located on prime commercial land - much to the annoyance of the fledgling colonial government. The Royal Naval Canteen quarters seen here were erected in 1925.

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